
Blogs I actually read!

Here are some blogs that I actually read.

Hyperbole and a Half
This is actually the blog that first got me back into drawing. 

Self v.s. Self
Not just great artwork, but something real.

Ok, this is less of a blog and more of a daily indulgence.

Eye Suck Ink
Fun and Unique.

Don't Wake Me Up
Unique stuff.

Ashley Bambaland
Cool sketches and oil paints.

Brilliant Anyway
Lots of portraits, with a twist

Pencil Shavings
A local (to me anyway) artist.

At some level all of these blogs were motivations to get back into drawing. Hyperbole and a Half was the first one to make me pick the pencil back up. Because of that I've searched and found these other sites. They each help to motivate me in some distinct way.

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